Sunday, January 22, 2006


I was talking to my oldest girls recently and she told me that being a teen was the hardest thing she has ever had to do. I quickly responded that being a parent was the hardest thing I had to do and quickly added that it was all worth it. It got me to thinking about my own parents and what I learned from them.

My father taught me that I could do anything I wanted.
My mother taught me that I should.

1 comment:

Dana S. Whitney said...

Your pencil/watercolor IF submissions are terrific.
My father taught me to "not rock the boat."
Mother taught me I could do whatever I wanted, but if it was too hard, I should probably give up. she also said that the way I was born was that they "really really really wanted a baby." So I believed that if you made a wish......

Glad your teen is talking with you... and vice versa. Bravo!