Raisin Bread…
In my previous post, I mentioned that my parents were children of the Great Depression. Another story from my father's childhood revolves around my grandmother and her method of making raisin bread. Having very little money and being frugal to boot, it is said that Nana would make the bread dough and put it on the table across the room. Then she would pick up a solitary raisin and throw it across the room at the waiting dough. If it stuck, they had raisin bread that week. If she missed, she would pick up the raisin and save it for the next loaf to try again.
This week’s assignment was a bit difficult for me and as I tossed and turned in bed last night, I remembered how my Nana added a bit of flavor to her family's meal.
Cool story and I like the illustration. :)
I can almost feel the bread! Awesome job!...and, what a touching story! What a great story to pass on from generation to generation.
Your Nana was (is) a great person and brought things fabulously along. Times then, ties now....
Salut, Amore e Dinero!
That's quite a story to go with this excellent rendering of the bread! Your textures are perfect.
Thank you all for the kind words. I guess it just goes to show you that sometimes the words do make the picture.
Thanks for sharing your story and giving us all some insight into the past. very good illustration as well--I'm a fan of toasted raison bread myself.
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