Monday, November 13, 2006

Still trying to CLEAR my Schedule

Work is getting a bit insane here. We just had a name change. We are now known as the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville. It is a MUCH better fit for us as we only have two pieces of work that can be classified as modern. It has been loads of work just to get the name approved and now I have the logo and all the brochures, stationary, posters, signage to design as well as a new web site. I also landed a few freelance illustration gigs and web sites. And on top of all that, I am going on a much needed vacation next week so I have to cram two weeks of design into one.

Hopefully, by the end of next month I will be back at it. Thank you for sticking with me through it all. Good luck and happy pencils to all of you!

1 comment:

AscenderRisesAbove said...

Is there a url for the museum? would love to see!