Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Goals are not Resolutions

 When I first started writing, I was completely clueless. The last time I got anywhere near a proper English class was high school way back in the 1970s and I had no experience of any kind with creative writing classes. As I neared my seventh decade and got a hankering for doing something more than writing the odd poem, I enrolled in a creative writing workshop back in 2018. I also devoured all the amazing information that is available these days—from books to blog posts and magazines to social media. I learned about heroes and cats and all kinds of dos and don’ts. 

That was almost six years ago. In 2024, I FINALLY completed my first and long-languishing novel, YOUR PAL AL. It is currently with beta readers and an editor. I plan to query in a few months. I also completed a much shorter MG horror that is also with a beta reader/editor. Once I edit and revise the words, I plan extensive illustration work. Fingers-crossed, that, too, will be ready to query in 2025, but that one will take a back seat to the illustration work ahead of me for a number of projects—primarily, my wife’s children’s book. First in the queue are the cover illustration/design for a friend’s novel and a couple of Drabble Zines. Those need to be finished before June as I hope to unveil them for DCAZ this year. 

I launched the Drabble Zine project last year with writing and illustration from a couple of flash writing projects I had previously published. One is a zombie tale, Enda Things. It appeared on the site, Free Flash Fiction, in 2023. The other is called Gryll the Invincible. That one was published in the anthology, Wyrms II in 2024 and is available on Amazon. It is an episode between a grizzled knight and a wise old dragon. If you are interested, you can get your own at my Etsy shop. A drabble, if you aren’t familiar with the term, is a piece of flash fiction that tell a complete story in exactly 100 words. 

For 2025, I planned to continue what I started in 2024, and finish things. Last year, I focused on the two aforementioned writing projects—Your Pal Al and Grave New World. This year, I am moving more toward wrapping up a couple of illustration projects. I do plan to write, but mostly short stories and poetry.

And this brings me back full circle. While I pay much less attention to writing advice from others, I do still read some articles and follow the writing community on the socials. I hope I can rid myself of Xitter, once and for all, this year. I think I have settled on Bluesky for writing and Instagram for my art. Facebook, I generally keep for family and friends, but I mix the others in as well, but a bit more judiciously. To kick off 2025, Writer’s Digest is doing a ten day Get Started Right Writing Challenge. Day one, yesterday, was listing my writing goals. However, mine aren’t isolated to writing.

Here’s my list of CREATIVE goals for 2025:

  1. Finish layout, artwork, and design for Mrs. Shiny
  2. Finish layout, artwork, and design for secret cyberpunk novel
  3. Finish layout, artwork, and design for two Drabble Zines
  4. Finish revisions and edits for Your Pal Al and query.
  5. Finish revisions and edits for Grave New World.
  6. Write more poetry.
  7. Write at least 4 short stories.
  8. Finish a first draft of the novella.
  9. Start work on a collection of poems.
  10. Attend at least four in-person literary events during the year.

This is probably far too ambitious BUT I WILL complete the first 5. The rest are aspirational. 

What are your goals?

Friday, September 27, 2024

Catch and Release

Here's some more unedited story from the cutting room. It's messy, but I'll clean it up and mine for gold as I plan to use some of it. As it is below, it is too much. 


“Alright, then, I think you wanted another story about Jim and me.”

Albert brightened and scooted a little closer and settled in against the wall.

“You so’ you gonna be okay?”

Albert nodded again and Mr. Sam started.

“This was sometime after the events at the vineyard. We come upon a village proper. It was pretty well shot up. Burned up, too. We was beat. Tired and hungry. Ya’see, we hadn’t eaten since that big meal Jim made us. Seemed we was always hungry, Berty. We figured that there might be food somewhere in the village but when we didn’t see nobody, we didn’t hold out much hope. But we had to look. The hunger made us crazy. Doing things that could get us all killed. We split into two groups and spread out. We started knockin’ on doors and checkin’ out the different places. Things was pretty picked over, but we did find some bread and cheese and some wine. I think that’s all those people ate. The wine was a little off but hadn't quite turned to vinegar. We didn’t mind. It was something and we was hungry enough to eat most anything!”

Mr. Sam paused to drink his tea. Albert had been watching the sweat running down the sides of Mr. Sam’s head. That glass of tea was also brown with beads of sweat trailing downward. Albert was mesmerized, but the spell was broken when Mr. Sam took the old, red bandana from his overalls and wiped his face, erasing the spell.

Mr. Sam smiled before easing back into the story. “Now, Jim was gettin’ itchy. He said that somethin’ didn’t feel right and I knew I’d be smart to listen to him. He had saved us on many occasions. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was. Things was too quiet. Jim and I went into a café to see what we could find. It sure was dark in there. We was looking lamp or candle when… RATTA RATTA TAT!” Mr. Sam slapped his hand on the arm of his chair.  Rapid fire.. “The shooting started!” 

Albert jumped.

“Heh, heh, heh. Me and Jim was fine, Berty, but the fellas—why, they weren’t so lucky. Marcus and Henry had been by the front door. They both took bullets. Josiah had the Devil’s own luck. I found out later that he had taken off his helmet to get a smoke. Ye’see, he kept his cigarettes in the band of his helmet, and if it was windy, why, he'd use his helmet to block the wind and light up. At the time, it seemed pretty smart, but this time it cost him half of his head.”

Miss Lottie coughed. And shuffled her feet. Mr. Sam paused to look at her. Albert turned and snuck a peek as well, but she was still ironing.

“It all happened so fast. Of course, we didn’t know what was happening outside. We didn’t yell for the fellas because we didn’t want to give away our position. We hit the floor and crawled toward the back wall. We was still mostly in the dark so we had to crawl and use our hands to lead us. I whispered for Jim to stay close and we made our way into another room. Black as pitch,  it was. We felt around until we finally found a door. The shooting out front had stopped, but no one had come in, and that was a big problem. You know why, Berty?”

Albert hadn’t been ready for a question. He had been caught up in the listening. “Well…” He scratched his chin. “If the fellas had won, they would have come in to check on you and Jim, but if they didn’t make it—” The thoughts had begun to twist and turn, but he couldn’t quite grab the right thread. “Uh—if they got shot…” He completely forgot Mr. Sam.

“Heh, heh, heh. You was was almost there Berty. Let me help. If the fellas had been hit and could come in, the Jerries probably would come down to check on the bodies. And they should start to wondering why these three fellas was standing outside the tavern and they should go in and check. Neither thing had happened. There was a third option.We took that one and decided to sneak out the back. The door was barred with a timber. We lifted it out real quiet-like, then, on the count of three, we pulled that old door open and found ourselves facing nine o’them Jerries all with they guns pointed at us.”

“Geez, Mr. Sam. What‘cha do?”

“Well, there was nothing we could do except put our hands up. One of ‘em spoke a little English and told us to turn around, so we did. Right quick-like, too. We both still had our rifles but they was up high over our heads and with our backs turned we couldn’t see no targets even if we was foolish enough to try something. I knew that two of them fellas was coming our way ‘cause I could see their shadows growin’ larger and larger. They was movin’ real slow. They had their pistols out and were being real careful. I don’t know if they’d ever seen the likes of us before—two dark devils! Heh, heh, heh.” He laughed and then leaned in and lowered his voice. “Just about when they come up on us… BOOM!” He slapped his hand against the arm of his chair again, and again Albert jumped.

“Dang, Mr. Sam! Why do you keep doing that?” 

“It's for effect, Berty. Like in the movies! Heh, heh, heh!” He said and winked. “I really wanted to get yo’ blood racin’ so you could get a better idea of what me and Jim was feelin’! Anyway, the timber Jim had set against the wall inside the door had fallen, and when it crashed to the floor and scared all of us, Jim got spooked and grabbed one of them fellas. That Jim was quicker than a snake! He just dropped his rifle down around the guy’s throat pulled him in tight.”

“And then what happened?”

“Why, I’ll tell ya. One o’them other fellas got spooked, too, and squeezed the trigger. And you know what? He ended up shootin’ his own man!”

“Dang!” Albert stretched the word out as he said it breathing life into it.

“That’s right! That fella gettin’ killed probably saved Jim’s life. And you know what else?”

Albert just shook his head.

“I knew they was gonna be mad. And they was, too, but we had our hands up again, and, why, they’s mostly good people, the Jerries, at least this time they was, and they didn’t shoot. While two of their fellas ran to see what the noise was, four more kept their rifles on us. One took our guns, and the other looked after the man that got shot. When all the excitement was over, I realized that Jim that gotten hit, too.”

“But he—”

“Seems the bullet went right through Jerry and ended up inside Jim, and that’s where his luck ran out. We all got captured and locked up in a prison camp.”

“Whoa. Just like Hogan’ Heroes.”

“Not quite, Berty, but the Jerries weren’t so bad. The first thing they did after lockin’ us up was to look after Jim. They got the bullet out, give him some stitches and sent him back to us. Then it was up to us to tend to him. He was wrapped up in paper. Can you believe that, Berty? Like a Christmas present. Heh, heh, heh.”

Albert just shook his head. 

“At first, Jim looked like he was gonna be fine. Justino Galvani, that’d be Big Al’s daddy.” He winked and continued. “Why, he’d been with us since the vineyard. He helped look after everything. He spoke English and German so when we needed something he’d be the one could let them know. Mostly, we needed better doctoring supplies—clean bandages and such, but they only handed us a book. We thought maybe it was a doctorin’ book ‘cause it was in German, but Justino explained we was to use the pages as bandages for Jim. I figured it was because we was prisoners and they didn’t want to waste their good bandages on the likes of us but they had been giving Jim the best care they had at the time.  As the days went on, a fever took Jim. He started gettin' real worried, and his worry worried me somethin’ fierce. I ain’t never seen nothing that worried Jim.” He shook his head and paused—not slipping but searching for something. 

Albert tried to wait patiently but it was late and his patience was gnawing on his insides. He looked to Belvedere who was napping, then back to Mr. Sam. The old man looked scared. Albert chanced a peep in Miss Lottie’s direction but her ironing still held her attention. 

“Berty. There are some things in this world that is just too much to handle. For me. For you. Even for Miss Lottie.” He laughed but it was a weak effort. “Jim’s sleep had been mighty fitful. When he woke the next morning, he told me he needed to get out. ‘Now, don’t I know it,’ I says, ‘but we are probably safer caught up in here than out there with people shootin’ at us an’ tryin’ to gas us, and such.’ Jim said that things was gonna get real bad if we didn’t leave before nightfall. I thought he was talking about him gettin’ sick but there was somethin’ more to it. He said that it had to be before the sun took its leave again. He said something about figurin’ out how to do it, but he needed my help. I was to help get the fellas ready. Justino would get as many of the rest that could be trusted. ‘And the others?’ I asked, but he said nothin’. He looked hard at me. He had tears in his eyes when he told me to be ready—said we’d only get one chance. Then he just shut his eyes.” 

“I sat by him all day, Berty. Thought he done died a couple of times. He was so still, but as long as he was still sweatin’, I figured he was still alive. And fightin’, so that was somethin’.” He gave Albert a wink. 

Mr. Sam looked down at his empty glass, and without saying a word, Miss Lottie said, “I’m fetchin’ Mr. Sam some more tea. You want some?” Albert jumped. He had completely forgotten all about her. 

“Yes, ma’am.” 

And she was gone. 

“As I was sayin’, I sat by him and I must have fallen asleep because the sun had moved clear to the other side of the sky. When I woke, Jim wasn’t in his bed.” Mr. Sam shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “And our cell looked empty, but I hadn’t heard a thing. Jim had to be there somewhere. He was standing in the corner of the cell. He wasn’t movin’, and if I didn’t know no better, I wouldn’ta thought he was real. And mind you, he hadn’t stood up by himself since he was put on that cot. Well, Berty, it was real dark in there, with just the tiniest little bit of sunlight creepin’ in through the window. There was shadows was playin’ across Jim’s face from the wires over the window. I walked over to him and whispered right in his ear. I said ‘Jim? You al’right?,’ but he didn’t answer me. I waved my hand in front of his face and still nothin’. It was real quietlike, and all you could hear were some of the fellas' breathin’ but not Jim. He was just standin’ there like a rock. ‘Jim,’ I whispered again. ‘You got to get back in bed. You need yo' strength.’ I didn’t know what to say or do, Berty. This was the second time I was scared that day and it wasn’t over yet!”

Mr. Sam leaned in close to Berty and barely whispered, “We stood there like that forever and ever. The sky had turned orange, and now it was red and the sun was goin’ down. I grabbed his shoulders hopin’ to pull him towards the bed, but he wouldn’t budge. It was like he was made of some kind of stone—cold and heavy. Then…” and he paused and glanced around again, “…I heard footsteps—one, maybe two men—and some muffled kinda gurglin’ sounds—not too loud, but I knew somethin’ was up. They was getting’ closer and closer. I tried pullin’ Jim some more, and I couldn’t move him. Closer and closer still, and I grew scareder and scareder. Ain’t nothin’ good that comes in the middle of the night under the cover of the darkness—especially when it don’t want you to know it was comin’.” He eyed Berty who was on the floor scooching in as close as he could get to Mr. Sam. 

“Berty, I’m not gonna tell you all of it. I made a deal with Carlotta and, besides, I just don’t want to talk about all of it ‘cause, somehow, I think if I do, I’m gonna give It too much power. I cain’t explain that so you just gonna have to trust me on this. Can you do that?”

He gave his head a little nod, but Mr. Sam just stared. It was evident that he wanted more. Mr. Sam had told him once that words held power. “Yessir,” he barely managed, and it seemed to be enough for Mr. Sam.

He continued. “I placed myself between Jim and the door—tryin’ to shield him as best I could. Ya’see, Berty. Where we was wasn’t exactly a prison or jail. Have you seen the ‘Great Escape’?” Albert nodded. “Well, it was nothin’ like that. It was just a room with a door that had a hole in it, and one small window with heavy wire on it to keep us in. I think they put that wire over the whole door. The walls were made of stone. If Jim hadn’t been so tore up, we both might found a way out but, as you might imagine, my biggest concern was Jim. The noises was gettin’ closer Berty, but then it grew all quiet. And someone… or something… was right outside our door. First, the doorknob jiggled, and then, someone started pullin’ on it real hard.” 

Mr. Sam paused here. His eyes grew wide. His lower lip started to tremble. Albert shivered. 

“What happened next, Mr. Sam?”

But he did not answer. He could not. Sweat started glistening on his forehead.  The tremors of his lip seeped into the side of his face.

“Mr. Sam? You alright?” Albert tugged lightly on his pant leg. “Mr. Sam?” he said more weakly this time, and then he yelled “Miss Lottie! Miss Lottie! Please come quick!” He stood up and put the near-empty ice tea glass to Mr. Sam’s head. He began rubbing Mr. Sam’s hand. Panic had set in. 

He heard Miss Lottie before he saw her. It wasn’t often that he heard her coming, and while Albert didn’t worry the kind of heat he was going to get from Miss Lottie, he knew it was coming. He knew she had arrived when the screen door slammed shut.

“Stand back, boy,” she said much more quietly than he had expected. Albert jumped back. She had a damp kitchen cloth and held it to his head and began to whisper in his ear. She pulled something from around her neck and placed it on Mr. Sam’s chest. She put her hand into the pocket of her apron then her hands were over his face. She was still mumbling. She started to sway as she placed her hand over his heart. Her words had taken on a sing-song quality. 

Albert had become a little frozen himself—entranced by Miss Lottie and her surprisingly gentle manner. Her song had him mesmerized. He watched her wipe his brow and neck. He couldn’t help but think that Grandmother had the exact same red and white checkered dishcloth in her kitchen. She whispered a few more words and kissed him on the forehead and stood up. Mr. Sam had dimes over his eyes and there was a dark, smudge on his forehead—like he had just gone to church on Ash Wednesday. When she turned around, Albert knew that she was going to let him have it, but she didn't say a thing. Instead, she reached down and put her hand on his shoulder. It lingered before she moved him toward the steps. She stopped him there, at the edge of the porch and stood quietly for a moment. Albert was still worried about Mr. Sam, but now his attention had been diverted to Belvedere who still slept under the tree. As they stood there, Albert wondered how his dog could have slept through everything that had just happened. He tried to look back at Mr. Sam—and did catch a glimpse of the old man there in his rocker. Miss Lottie’s words pulled him back and she finally said, “That old dog of yours… he sure seems to love you.”

This completely knocked Albert’s thinking for a loop.

“Keep him close,” she said as she gave him an encouraging push down the stairs. “It’d be gettin’ late. I ‘spect that you’ll get the rest of that story the next time. 

As soon as they made it to the road, the questions started and, as usual, Albert was full of questions. “I ain’t never seen him slip like that, boy, have you? I can’t believe he and Jim got caught. Do you think he’s gonna be alright? Well, I know that they were alright because they both made it home. I meant, Mr. Sam. Now.” Mostly he didn’t mind Belvedere’s quiet, but strong advice. He just wished that this time or just this once, he could have been a little more comforting.

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Nasty Work of Editing (and on a Sunday! Gasp!)

 I’m currently editing Your Pal Al, my long unfinished novel. In the past 24 hours, I have cut over 1500 words from Your Pal Al. That sounds like a lot for a horror but the book is still clocking in at a whopping 146,000 words. I have made a LOT of freshman author mistakes.

One thing I have done too much of is storytelling. Storytelling is fine, but it should move the plot along. A related problem is that I let the characters run roughshod over me. They demand to be heard—right down to the last detail. And these people of Trembling have a mind of their own and can be very persuasive.

I have other problems, but I have learned a lot since I started on this epic novel-writing odyssey. I am thankful for the friends I have made in this community, the publishers who have given my stories and my poetry a home, the readers, and, of course, my family. 

I struggle with the two problems I have noted—the killing of my darlings. As I make cuts, I'll try to envision myself as a slasher on a rampage, however, my heart is not quite a chainsaw yet, but I do have a nasty set of bolt cutters. So, to keep these characters somewhat happy, I will post some of the bloody mess here. Read on. 

Dressings & Blessings

Sunday mornings had always come too early for Albert, and this one was no different. Especially now that he was living by Grandmother’s Commandments. Thou shalt not eat breakfast before Church. Thou shall not wear grubbies to attend Church. And, Thou shall not forget to maketh thy whole body clean—including behind the ears and under the fingernails. And the greatest commandment of all—thou shalt not be late. Ever. That one had its own stone tablet.

And if the Shalt Nots weren’t bad enough, as soon as you got ready, you had to march yourself to the parlor and plant yourself in the fancy chair—the pink one with the hard knotted patterns in the fabric. It was the kind of chair that left marks in your legs if you were wearing short pants—but Grandmother would NEVER let you wear short pants sitting in THAT chair. Then you had to wait. But not just wait. You had to sit ‘quietly with your hands in your lap’ and wait. And wait. And wait. Grandmother made sure that you didn’t get your Sunday best dirty before you left the house. 

Albert was standing in front of the bathroom mirror. He had brushed his teeth and was now taking care of his hair. “Belvedere? Why do you suppose they call these suits Seersuckers when you buy them out of the J.C. Penny catalog? Shouldn’t Sears Roebuck be selling them? Maybe I’ll ask Papa Jack? What do you say, hmmm, boy? You’re right. I best ask later. At supper. Say, do you think I should use the Brylcream or the Vitalis? I think Daddy likes Vitalis better. Personally, I don’t much like either. Your hair gets all oily then it goes stiff. A whole hunk of your hair acts just like one big piece. If you ask me, it’s a lot like those plastic Beatles wigs you sometimes see at Spencer’s Gifts at the Regency Square Mall in Jacksonville. I just know that you would hate it, but you shouldn’t worry yourself none. Your hair’s too short to make any use of it anyway. I wonder what Papa Jack uses? Do you think I should ask him? Hmm?”

As usual, the dog didn’t react. Before Albert left the bathroom, he smoothed down his cowlick. Again. A few hairs had struggled free. Before heading to the bedroom, he gave the front part of his hair a little nudge to get some height. The dog shook his head, his ears flapping loudly, and padded after him.

“I wonder we cain’t go to any churches around these parts? I seen one in the town center. I’d ask but, I’m afraid Grandmother might want to know why I was asking, and then the angels themselves would hear about it. Does Grandmother make you take a bath every Sunday, too? I’m surprised she even lets you in the house at all. Do you think my nails are clean enough? Hmm?” He shoved his hands in the dog’s face and kept right on talking. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand why women put so much thought into fingernails. Grandmother has a thing about nails but then, I guess, all women do. Nails’re gonna get dirty. That’s just a fact. You wanna hear the funniest part? Grandmother wears gloves! So her nails ain’t even gonna be seen! Well–It’s funny, Belvedere because it wouldn’t matter if they were dirty inside her gloves. No one can see even see her hands! Ain’t that a hoot? Hmm, boy? Ain’t it?” Albert slapped his knee and forced a laugh hoping the dog would join in. When he didn’t, Albert clipped on his tie. “I guess I had better hurry up. I know there’s an empty chair in the parlor with my name on it.” When he said ‘parlor’ he did his best Grandmother imitation. He took one last look, gave himself a wink, and ran down the hallway to find his post.

“Good morning, Albert. Don’t you look smart!”

“Aw, Mama. You say the same thing every Sunday.”

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Cat 5 Carnage

The hurricane has made landfall, and it brings something horrific. Like monster storms of the Caribbean, Gabino Iglesias knows how to spin something. Here, he spins yet another cat 5 tale, full of the things that earned him top honors from the Stoker and Jackson Awards. 

He brings it home in his latest effort, “House of Bone and Rain,” literally. This story, which starts with the seemingly senseless slaying of a working mother, takes place on the island and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. And like the reign of San Juan’s drug lord, it is drenched in blood and saturated in woe with just enough humanity to keep you reading while you wait out the storm. It is a new story, and I am certain it was ripped from his heart as he wrote it, but the themes are similar to much of his earlier work. It is every bit as violent as it is human, and it contains elements of religious beliefs, the supernatural, and magic—the magic of family and friendship, as well as retribution and vengeance. As for the family and friends, some of the magic is real and some perception. Either way, when this storm passes and you turn that last page, you will find yourself picking up the debris of what is left and, like all great storms, it will stay with you long after the sun breaks through the clouds.  

House of Bone and Rain by Gabino Iglesias

House of Bone and Rain
by Gabino Iglesias
Published by Mulholland Books
August 6, 2024
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0316427012

352 pages

#HouseofBoneandRain #NetGalley

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

This One Put A Scare Into Daddo

A disturbing and terrifying story about Bela and her family and her “Other Mommy.” Other Mommy is her friend and confidant—a lot like Daddo, her father, but Other Mommy, like Bela’s world, has changed. Her friend is no longer satisfied with just being a friend. It wants something from her and is growing increasingly impatient. It, like this story, is relentless. The tale starts out creepy and drags you down rather quickly into this imaginative, little girl’s world. And her world is much more than just a monster-in-the-closet. Those of you who have had small children know how relentless children can be with their questions. We sometimes dismiss what our children tell us—especially when things sound too fantastic. Ignore them at your own peril! 

The story is told from Bela’s perspective so it may seem a little difficult at first, but do stick with it. I found myself reading it in a child’s voice. It totally sucked me in and put a real scare into me. 

The story, and Bela’s voice, haunted me long after I closed the book. 


by Josh Malerman
Published by Del Rey Books
June 25, 2024
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 9780593723128
384 pages

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Not Forgotten

FORGOTTEN SISTERS is another solid read from Cynthia Pelayo. Eerie and atmospheric, it is part haunted house/ghost story, and part noir detective/history lesson. At times, early on, I felt caught in a loop with the storyline, which, to me, felt repetitive. That may have been on me as I only spent short clips with the story. The author created a great sense of place and space in the telling of FORGOTTEN SISTERS. The sisters, Anna and Jennie, have their mysteries and their quirks. Their dynamic is a sad one of family responsibility and multi-layered heartache. The two detectives were a special treat—infrequent as their POV was, but the story was not really theirs. That said, I wanted more of them. I’m probably a weirdo, but I think my favorite part was the history of Chicago and its river. There are loads of breadcrumbs hidden in this book that could be easily overlooked, and yet, that ending!  

Forgotten Sisters
by Cynthia “Cina” Pelayo
Published by Thomas & Mercer
March 19, 2024 | 303 Pages | ISBN 978-1662513916

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Almost a perfect ending

For me, this one started off a bit rocky. There was so much going on—so much death and destruction. And it all seemed like it was just another day. I suppose, in light of all that has happened in Proofrock, that could be forgiven. All for all that, SJG’s writing is as sharp as a strait razor. And his knowledge of slashers, and other horror, is downright sick. 

“Nightfall’s always closer than you think.”

Poor Jade. This tale is packed with so much trauma—both real and supernatural—that things almost started to feel like one of THOSE old horror flicks where ALL the various monsters are jammed into one movie. Unlike those particular movies, Jade’s story is not played for laughs. Jones uses just enough humor in Jade’s story to give you a respite from everything he throws at you. The story is raw and relentless and it will ravage you. 

I wish this old brain that lives in my head were so old and addled. I had a hard time remembering all of the everything Jones packed into these three books. No one will ever or could ever write such a bloody lover’s story to the ‘Last Girl.’  I grew up in the 1970s and 80s. At that time I was like a lot of boys my age—obsessed with the slasher. I religiously sequestered myself in those dark places and watched all the senseless slaughter with terror and delight. I was an eager participant, but somewhere along the way I lost my taste for that kind of blood. So I never got to finish any of Jason’s tales. Or Michael Myers’s or Freddy’s. Or of the gruesome Texas family that spawned Leatherface. So, I missed much of the love Jones showered on the genre. It seems he referenced EVERY slasher know, and then some. But I’m sure he missed a few. He had to. People can’t be that perfect. 

That said, this being the final installment of The Indian Lake Trilogy, we get the LAST? of Jade Daniels. We also get Letha’s story, although not in the same way we did in DON’T FEAR THE REAPER, the second book of the trilogy. Jones ties up enough of the story threads so masterfully that I ended up hating to turn the last few pages. I did not want the story to end. And when you get to the last page, don’t skip the acknowledgments. They reveal much of what the author went through as he took us all on this bloody trip to Proofrock. 

The good news is that I am certain that Stephen Graham Jones will deliver something else as only he can tell it. 


by Stephen Graham Jones
Published by S&S/Saga Press
March 26, 2024
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1668011669

Monday, January 29, 2024

Rotten Fruit makes for a Wickedly Delicious Story

What happens when you take a writer who is obsessed by apples? You get a story that twists and turns like the roots of an old, wild apple tree. Engaging, horrific, and dare I say original? This one is packed with all the things that make a horror story great. Creepy, atmospheric setting? Check. Eye-popping gruesome visuals? Check. Suspense? Fear? The unknown? Oh, yes! Death? Multiples. The characters are rich and engaging. And if you like a folk and historic element, it has that, too. It almost sounds like too much, but Wendig masterfully weaves it all together. 

If I had to come up with a criticism, I’d say the horrific part of the tale started a little late for me, but it takes time for the seeds to germinate and grow. One other note. I listened to the audiobook and was happy that I listened all the way through all the end stuff. There I learned more about the author’s obsession with the fruit. I’ll certainly be keeping a watchful eye out for heirloom apples.  


Black River Orchard: A Novel
by Chuck Wendig
Published by Random House Audio
September 26, 2023 | 22 hours and 18 minutes | ASIN: B0BRBVY51P

Monday, January 15, 2024

Sunday, July 02, 2023

The Ferryman

I was about 10% into this story before I really got interested, but don't let that scare you off. The setting, Prospéra, was different in many ways from our own world but not enough to pique my interest. At first. It teased me and dangled its originality in my peripheral, and then it came. What a payoff. I won’t say where that occurred. I’ll leave this story to you to take in. Suffice to say, this story comes from the same writer who gave us, The Passage, which was a brilliant take on the end of the world as we know it. A dystopian nightmare populated with the survivors of a scientific catastrophe that almost ended the world. And vampires.

Cronin’s words and imagery in The Ferryman are rich and lush, as are his characters. The world is multi-layered and fraught with mystery. There is a lot to process as this tale slips and slides and pulls the rug out from under you just when you think you are ‘getting it’.

“You know what your problem is?”
“I’m guessing you’re about to tell me.”
“It’s the same problem most people have, actually. You know a lot of things. You believe almost nothing.”

And Cronin's character is right. Believing in something is difficult, especially in today's world probably because the ability to acquire knowledge is remarkably easy. Probably too easy. And I'm no different.  I'm going to take the easy way out and wrap this up by saying if you liked Logan’s Run and 1984, you will be thrilled with this one. And, if not thrilled, certainly chilled.  

The Ferryman
by Justin Cronin
Published by Ballantine Books
May 2, 2023 | 560 Pages | ISBN-13: 9780525619475

I would like to thank the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing an ARC of this novel.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

What Have WE Become?

Crude, crash, and most likely heretical. I'm referring to those in the MAGA movement. Even after all this time, I STILL cannot understand the support for this man and his teachings. Thankfully/hopefully, he will get the truth and justice he deserves. I truly hope he gets the fairest trial America has ever seen. Of course, if he is convicted, he will claim it's all political and nothing more than a witch hunt, then scream “Hunter's Laptop!” Or “What about her emails?!” OR “Impeach Biden!” Diversionary tactics, hate, and division keep his spirit alive in this country. I have also come under the spell of hatred, and that makes me angry and ashamed. I hate how his brand of politics has fractured this great country. I hate how it has made racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and so many other forms of hatred OK for so many. I hate the war on treating others with respect and dignity—the so-called Anti-Woke agenda. I hate DeSantis' war on diversity. And all these hatreds fester in me and bubble up when I see a red MAGA hat or a "Take America Back" bumper sticker or one of the many TRUMP or DeSantis signs here in Florida. But the flags are the worst. They may also reveal a truth for so many flying these disgusting banners. That truth being that the flag waivers pledge more loyalty to the name on the flag that the country and principals in which they live. 

For so many years, this country has been a beacon of hope to the world. A promise that things can be better. Of course, we still have a legion of problems that need to be corrected. While individuals have the ability to achieve their American success story, whatever that may be, we still have institutional racism. The indigenous peoples in this country are still, for the most part, living in third-world conditions. Our education system is not the gold standard for the world and should be. Our infrastructure is crumbling. The three branches of our government that should provide checks-and-balances is rife with payola and graft. Our justice system is an ideological and political cesspool. The press, our last defense against all of this hate, selfishness, and political corruption, is itself corrupted by ideological hate and corporate interests. The deregulation of the telecommunications industry has allowed an unhealthy consolidation of media outlets, further putting what we want to believe as truth and facts into silos. Deregulation, in theory, creates competition among suppliers, but technological advances, the internet, and market conditions have created a homogeneous cesspool. We have too many spineless reporters who refuse to challenge those who twist the truth claiming their outright lies as fact. We are living in a world mired in gas lighting and doublespeak where so many reporters are either too lazy or too scared of the consequences . That said, we still have reporters who are doing the mostly thankless hours of digging and unearthing the actual terrible truths. We should, and must, give them the protections guaranteed by the Constitution, and the thanks for helping to hold our public servants and corporations in check. 

We are better than this America. I am better than this. 

Friday, April 28, 2023

Throwing Muses

screenshot of the poem, THROWING CHILDREN by Ross Gay I have been posting more light-hearted, silly, and/or things-I-find-interesting things recently on my Facebook page again. It reminds me of what life was like pre-2016 when the Great Division started. And that's as political as this post will get.

A few days ago, I posted this poem, Throwing Children, by Ross Gay. It was the daily Poem-A-Day, The Academy of American Poets. It brought back warm memories of my daughter's youth. Sadly, I don't have as many from before her 4th year as she was already five when my wife and I married, but I do have a few and they are treasures. 

That post touched many of those who read it, in the same way—bringing joyous memories. It also did something else. It inspired a comment by Ramsey Campbell. That made my day. And put me on a feel-good high and, actually, helped me over a rather nasty dry spell writing. So, thank you, Sir! 

For those of you who don't recognize the name, he writes horror. Fantastic Fiction describes him as "the world's most decorated author of horror, terror, suspense, dark fantasy, and supernatural fiction." No small feat, that, but certainly well-deserved. Collider calls him, "the UK’s Stephen King."  in a recent article about why we aren't adapting his books to film & streaming.  That is an excellent question and one Hollywood should be taking to heart. Instead of regurgitating and remaking things like the Harry Potter movies. (Gah! An altogether different rant!) I came to reading Ramsey Campbell as I started my own career writing horror, fantasy, and the weird. Like the aforementioned, Stephen King, he is prolific. I am still slowly working through his canon and I urge all of you to do the same. 

Campbell reveals, 

"My fellow clansman Paul Campbell will remember the birth of this tale. At the Dead Dog party after the 2010 World Horror Convention in Brighton, someone was throwing a delighted toddler into the air. I was ambushed by an idea and had to apologise to Paul for rushing away to my room to scribble notes." 
The result is his short story, WITH THE ANGELS. It's less than $1 at Amazon, or for a dollar more at Barnes & Noble, you can get Mammoth Books presents A Ghostly Gathering: Four Stories. It includes stories from three other writers in the field—Thana Niveau, Mark Morris, Angela Slatter. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


This story appealed to me on many levels. It is a nuanced and horrific tale mixing Mexican folklore, possessions on various levels, and the exploration the generational trauma of Alejandra’s family history. At first glance, Alejandra is not a likable character. Tortured by her life choices and pondering suicide, and worse, she is also considering taking her children with her. She is hurting and filled with self-loathing, so it was a little hard to stick by her side early on, but Castro has told many great stories, so I stuck with it. Once Alejandra started with Melanie, her therapist and curandera, the story became much more interesting. On another note, as an adoptee and adopter, I found this aspect of her journey highly relatable. My main complaint is that toward the end of the story, some of the ancestor stories acted like cardboard cutouts making the end feel a little rushed. A 3.5-star rating for one of V. Castro’s stories is a 4 for most other authors. 

The Haunting of 
Published by Del Rey
March 18, 2023 | 272 Pages | ISBN-13: 9780593499696

I would like to thank the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing an ARC of this novel.

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

So Little Time…

I grew up during the height of the Cold War. The USSR was the big boogie man. Communism wanted to destroy our way of life. Then the Wall came down and the Soviet Empire fell. The insidious fear of the ever-present threat was gone. We had PEACE and the promise of a new world. But that didn’t last. The world found itself being forced to deal with threats from the past. Putin claimed Russia for himself and the World finds itself confronted with the brutal invasion of Crimea and Ukraine, Russian oligarchs, and Russian crime. So as an escape where did I turn? Television? Slow Horses on Apple+ and Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime. Reading? RED LONDON by Alma Katsu. Russia is once again. EVERYWHERE. The stories are engaging. The menace is real. And Putin’s Russia makes for a great villain. 

Lyndsey Duncan is back, and what she is involved in is complicated and a little confusing. Katsu teases us with the story of a Russian war criminal, but we end up getting the story of a Russian oligarch. While I did not find RED LONDON as engaging as Katsu’s first book in the series, RED WIDOW, at times I did lose myself in the story. You won’t lose your breath trying to keep up with a Jason Bourne or a Jack Ryan, but the real-world stakes are just as high. The psychology of manipulation was intriguing, as was the Anglo-American intelligence cooperation but I couldn’t find much to like about Emily, the British wife of the oligarch and Lyndsey’s target. By the end, I did feel a bit sorry for her. This story is rife with secret identities, private contractors, ex-lovers, clandestine meetings, and so much more. Who can Lyndsey trust? This is a different type of spy game. 

This book is fiction, but Katsu pulls from her 30-plus career in national security. And while she did her best to portray world events, she, like so many others, couldn't have predicted that the war on Ukraine would still be taking its murderous toll on the country and the people there. It seems with Putin, there is no level to his depravity and with the rest of Russia, they seem too scared to do what is right and put an end to this madness. 

I really tried to get this book read before launch day. It didn’t have anything to do with the book itself, it was how busy I had made my life. I often find that I stretch myself a little thin. I have my own writing and a few illustration projects that would be enough to keep me busy on their own, but I also have a house to paint, then there’s yard work, the pool, and family life. On top of all that, I try to get in at least an hour of reading every day. I reserve the night for TV with my wife. It’s not quite how I had envisioned retirement. 

Red London
by Alma Katsu
Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons
March 14, 2023 | 352 Pages | ISBN-13: 978-0593421956

I would like to thank the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing an ARC of this novel.

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Hang On Tight and Try To Keep Up

I went into this one completely clueless other than knowing I was in for some kind of ride.

More than a romp, this road trip book is crazy. You'll find more twists, turns, and surprises in this story than you would if you made it to the last call in a dozen of the South's most insane dive bars listening to THAT guy tell the most unbelievable stories you have ever heard. Like much of Lansdale's work, this one is hard to pigeonhole. JANE GOES NORTH is a buddy story/road trip of two women who really don't like each other. It's a little comedy and a little crime painted with a broad brush of violent, Southern Gothic. One bit of advice to take with you after reading this one—if you are driving through any tiny, hole-in-the-wall, backwater Southern towns make sure you have a full tank of gas and you do NOT stop at the Save-Mart for anything.

I listened to the audiobook. Kasey Lansdale's reading of Jane Goes North adds an extra layer of Lansdale goodness. I'd suggest you give it a listen, even if you have already read it.

The image above is the cover from the Subterranean Press release, but I have to include the paperback cover version of this from Pandi Press. It features a vintage Thunderbird. It is not the car from the story, but for those who have known me for a long time, I used to have one of these beauties. My father bought it off the showroom floor. The family took it West for an epic road trip of our own back in 1969. It was my mom and dad, my sister, Debbie, and our dog, Peanuts, all jammed into the T-Bird and hauling a 13-foot Shasta camper. Florida to California and back. We were packed so tight we couldn't put the top down. My father gave it to me not long before he died. I had it up until a few years ago. It was getting too expensive to maintain. I sure did hate to part with it. 

On a side note, since I mentioned Kasey Lansdale. I had the pleasure of working with her a while back on one of my own stories, TALL TALES 'N' TREMBLIN.' It is a short story that came out of some character development and research that I was noodling on for the novel that I have been working on for years. 
The good news is that I am finally on the editing stage, so I hope to be ready to query agents before year's end. My story was originally published as part of the weekly Kaidankai: Ghost and Supernatural Stories podcast. I had heard Kasey read DEAD MAN'S CURVE, a story she and her father co-wrote for the anthology, NIGHTS OF THE LIVING DEAD. We I got word that my story was going to be read, I thought I'd reach out to Kasey and see if she would be interested. I couldn't believe she was available. Thanks again Kasey!