Monday, July 31, 2017


I woke this morning to sad news. My cousin, David Courtney, passed away. He was so many things to me, and I know he touched many lives. When you lose a parent far too
early—as I lost my father to cancer when I was in my 20s—Dave was like a father. He was also a creative force in my life—an artist, a musician, a writer, and a master engraver. His memoir, From Tea Boy to Tiffanys, is a great read. I do hope it gets published someday. Dave was my mentor, and he was a friend. He believed in my own talents when so many others dismissed them as distractions or hobbies.

Tonight, while I grieve, I will remember the good times, the parties, and the laughter. I know that the heavens will be shining a little brighter, and I will remember the amazing family that he leaves behind, and I will keep them in my prayers.

Friday, January 13, 2017

One of my paintings was used for the City of Jacksonville’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast. It’s a great morning of friendship and tribute. I highly recommend attending.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

The Greatest Love of All | Don't Miss A Beat All-Stars | TEDxJacksonville

I really missed being with my TEDxJax tribe this year for FearLess. After being part of the startup and working with the team for more than four years, I had to step away. We had far too much going on at work. These kids share what this country needs so much more of.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What to know what's going on next weekend for #UFvsUGA? Here's the Weekend Guide. It is also one of the reasons that you haven't seen much of me recently.