Friday, March 03, 2006

Illustration Friday – Insect

The Mole Cricket

watercolor 2006

I hear them watching me and I crush them with the news of the world with a force that shakes me to the innermost workings of my life. The teacher has more power than those with their fingers on “the button” but no one seems to care. Each is caught up with their own misguided beliefs that they are the most important thing in the world. It is frustrating to be human. But what else is there?

The words are something that I had written in a sketchbook from a long time ago. I'm not certain that it works with this illustration. I'll leave that to you. I did manage to spend a few hours today and knock this painting out. It feels good to have a brush in my hand again.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What If?

I am certain you have been asked the question, "If you knew you would die tomorrow, what would you do?" And when you were asked that question, your mind started racing and you became pretty creative with your life. You might take a trip. Or talk to that family member or friend that has been out of touch for too long. You would definitely look at EVERYTHING differently because you would want to remember every little detail. And when you woke up on the morning of your last day, you would be happy to be alive, even for a few hours more.

It's a hypothetical question, but it is one that we should all ask ourselves because it could be true. By asking yourself this one simple, albeit scary, question, you can start yourself down a path towards a much more fulfilling life.

Illustration Friday - Song

Monday, February 13, 2006

Illustration Friday – Simple

It's me again. I have finally been able to get back at it and it wasn't simple, even though the illustration is a bit on the simple side. I have heard that we should keep our lives simple to maintain happiness.

I wonder why it is that when we wonder we tend to look up?

Sunday, January 22, 2006


I was talking to my oldest girls recently and she told me that being a teen was the hardest thing she has ever had to do. I quickly responded that being a parent was the hardest thing I had to do and quickly added that it was all worth it. It got me to thinking about my own parents and what I learned from them.

My father taught me that I could do anything I wanted.
My mother taught me that I should.