I know that as I get older, time moves by quicker. A minute compared to my entire life is minuscule so, essentially, a minute is shorter for me now. I get that… but come on already! Not this fast! Even small children complain that there is not enough time to do what they need or want to do. I think people are really sick of the pace. From Steampunk to Slow Fashion, the revolution is alive and well. We have so many modern conveniences to make our lives easier that we are drowning in them. On a personal note, we have forgone the landline in favor of our cell phones. And now we are all wired 24/7. I'm not sure if that actually slows the pace but we did do away with cable television. It is amazing just how much I don't miss it. Sure I miss a few shows but my life is slowly getting richer. I read more and have more time to work on the house renovations and, most importanty, more time to spend with my family.
Maybe this economic slow-down is God's answer to our prayers. And that would lead me to remind everyone the we need to be careful what we wish for.
Hi! Discovered your art blog through Visual Vicera. Like your post about time and technology. I still paint the old fashioned way- w/ brush, oil paint, etc. but of course blog with my computer. Good to connect w/ someone from the Sunshine State. What a beautiful state!
It´s wonderfuly done and I like your words, but over all the image with the time represented in the eye. Excellent, Michael.
feels the same way, nice eye piece. wonder how they got in there to put a tat on his eyeball, that really had to hurt. also like your header, not sure if i realized you had a new one before. michael dailey
Maybe this economic slow-down is God's answer to our prayers. And that would lead me to remind everyone the we need to be careful what we wish for.
--- My friends there in the u.s. who are directly hit by the recession are saying the same thing as you did. That somehow having to give up many of the things they used to have, the fears they have to face with shakiness of their finances etc. brought about some pretty drastic changes in their lifestyle. some even became more inwardly. Some, like you, slowed down on their pace. but overall, it forced many of them to see life as it is, to be lived and appreciated and not to run too fast like a steam roller. :-) i guess, being people, we all do learn something from the different changes that come through our lives.
Beautiful drawing, Michael. What a great concept, too.
I guess that's the silver lining in all this. My husband lost his job, but now he has a chance to spend a lot of time with the kids. Before, his long hours kept him from seeing them except on weekends. As for modern conveniences sucking our time, boy oh boy, is that ever true with me and the internet. But pleeeeaaaaase don't make me give it up!
Wonderful concept and absolutely a beautiful illustration...Wow!
Beautiful "time" piece.
Yeah, it's only during the down time, we tend to cherish and recollect of what God has given to us.
Thanksgiving in all manner, at all times. Aging is a good way to stand the test of time.
To build faith and confident in ourselves and it will reflect clearly on our faces.
As there are time to play, time to work. And you combine these two so well in one image.
Hope we all continue to learn from one another, tust God as we continue our life journey with hope whether there are ups or downs.
ooh, like the eye.. very subtle!
Wonderful concept
I like this a lot--the eyes conveys a lot--i like what you've written, too!
I agree 100% about time going faster...what's the deal??? Remember when half an hour used to be kind of a long time? Now what can you do in half an hour? Althoughit would probably help if I gave up TV like you, but I just can't bring myself to do it!
Love the drawing, I love seeing pencil and sketches etc...maybe because I hardly ever have time to do that anymore!
You are so right on with this post. And on time also.
Really like the drawinf and the clock in the pupil is very clever... Great concept!
Have a wonderful day :-)
Excellent illustration. Love the subtlety. You make a very valid point. I'm happy to hear you gave up cable TV. I haven't had a TV going in my house for over decade. Actually never had cable come to think of it. Enjoy the time to read and create!
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