The Art of Puro has tagged me as a creative blogger. Of course I am honored, but I sometimes feel like I should pack it all in as I just can't stay consistent. As my upcoming post for Illustration Friday rants, "There is just not enough time!" Then along comes something like this.
So thank you Monica for bringing me back in and giving me the encouragement that I needed. Here are a few others that are more deserving of that honor:
Waldo Walkiria
Carmen Saldaña
Visual Viscera
Go Flying Turtle
Fuhzen 3
Greener Pastures
And in the past I tagged the following people and while I still greatly enjoy the work and their words, I'll pick on a few other great and talented bloggers.
http://sentaplyer.blogspot.com/ yes… tagged again…
And as for seven things I love? With Valentine's Day just a few days away how could I not start the list with
1. my amazing wife
2. my equally amazing daughter
3. my mother who showed my what the love of a spouse and parent could be like
4. the rest of my family
5. friends (many who are often thought of but are not seen near enough!)
6. creating
7. quiet time
Thank you Michael for your kind words about me. I´m very honored with your award!
hey michael!! thank you man for tagging me. i'm quite flattered, i never thought it'd get that attention. thanks!
Happy Valentine's to you, your wife, kids and family. :-)
Congrats and thanks a trillion Mocando. You really deserve this award.
I am happy and honored to receive this awards alongside with so many other great artists/ bloggers.
I do agree with the seven things that you love:)
1) Great to have a loving wife. She is your inspiration.
2) Wonderful fatherhood-Nourishing your little tree- your daugther grows bigger and bigger each day.
3)The greatse love your mum passed to you and she has set a good example for you to follow and give love inconditionally.
4)Familyhood-love, support one and another
5) Friends that cheer us up and lend a shoulder to cry on.
6) Be creative and stay creative is one of the happiest act.
7)So good to rediscover God's message again and again.
Thanks so much Michael! I'll get to this as soon as I can then.
Thank you very much Michael!!!!
You are so kind of thinking in me.
I´m very grateful for your award :-))))
You are so sweet! We love you Michael!
~Your wife and daughter
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