A few days ago, I posted this poem, Throwing Children, by Ross Gay. It was the daily Poem-A-Day, The Academy of American Poets. It brought back warm memories of my daughter's youth. Sadly, I don't have as many from before her 4th year as she was already five when my wife and I married, but I do have a few and they are treasures.
That post touched many of those who read it, in the same way—bringing joyous memories. It also did something else. It inspired a comment by Ramsey Campbell. That made my day. And put me on a feel-good high and, actually, helped me over a rather nasty dry spell writing. So, thank you, Sir!
For those of you who don't recognize the name, he writes horror. Fantastic Fiction describes him as "the world's most decorated author of horror, terror, suspense, dark fantasy, and supernatural fiction." No small feat, that, but certainly well-deserved. Collider calls him, "the UK’s Stephen King." in a recent article about why we aren't adapting his books to film & streaming. That is an excellent question and one Hollywood should be taking to heart. Instead of regurgitating and remaking things like the Harry Potter movies. (Gah! An altogether different rant!) I came to reading Ramsey Campbell as I started my own career writing horror, fantasy, and the weird. Like the aforementioned, Stephen King, he is prolific. I am still slowly working through his canon and I urge all of you to do the same.
Campbell reveals,
"My fellow clansman Paul Campbell will remember the birth of this tale. At the Dead Dog party after the 2010 World Horror Convention in Brighton, someone was throwing a delighted toddler into the air. I was ambushed by an idea and had to apologise to Paul for rushing away to my room to scribble notes."The result is his short story, WITH THE ANGELS. It's less than $1 at Amazon, or for a dollar more at Barnes & Noble, you can get Mammoth Books presents A Ghostly Gathering: Four Stories. It includes stories from three other writers in the field—Thana Niveau, Mark Morris, Angela Slatter.