Well, here I am again… just at the buzzer… I think that I have finally gotten on top of all that needed to get done at the Museum. It truly is a great show. Go on… take a look… and if you are in town… stop in… I have an office on the 5th floor.
This little lady has just discovered something new and has climbed out of the soup and is off to see what she can find. I feel the same way right now. After having a nice comfortable place to "live" for the past two-and-a-half-years I am now on to something new… and wonderful… and exciting… AND a bit scary. I know a lot of people are in the same boat right now. Many have lost their jobs. Businesses are cutting away the fat or burning it up in order to stay afloat and I'm not so sure it is ALL bad. It forces us to look at wh we are, where we have been and where we want to go. It also gives us the opportunity to try that "thing" that we always wanted to do. And since I am looking at this from the fishes point of view (cold-blooded) I think many of the companies that are in trouble have gotten too fat and too enslaved to the layers and layers of bureaucracy. How many layers of middle management can a company have without having waste?
Don't get me wrong. I know that there are a lot of people suffering out there. Not only are my thoughts and prayers are with you… I am with you. So pull yourself out of the muck and find that new life. Or if you are in a place to help… reach in and pull someone out. Whatever you do don't stop climbing!