Coudal Partners launched a serious Friday afternoon diversion last year with the very special
Layer Tennis. Every Firday, it pits two creative types against each other in a design battle with a writer providing colorful play-by-play on the action as it happens. The basic premise is that the competitors swap a file back and forth in real-time with only 15 minutes to add their own touch. Most of the work is down in Illustrator and Photoshop and that only makes sense since
Adobe has become a sponsor this year. The match lasts for ten "volleys" and after much commentary from the guest writer and the
Season Ticket holders a winner is declared.
This week pits Mitch Ansara (
Space Sick) against
Rod Hunting with pLAYER-by-pLAYER commentary by Matthew Baldwin of
defective yeti.
It's fun… it's raw… and it shouldn't be missed!