Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Magnify – Illustration Friday

This is a recently completed illustration that I created for a series of lectures here at MOCA. It has been a while since I gave a talk but I KNOW that my fears are magnified when I step up in front of any crowds. And it doesn't matter how much I prepare, I still get the cold, clammy feeling. Thankfully, that feeling is quickly replaced, especially when I have connected with my audience.


Ginger*:) said...

Nicely done ... it certainly transmits the feeling.

Tomás Serrano said...

Michael, I enjoy very much your art everytime I visit you. I see you don´t draw every week... I like this, in other style. I like the tone. I hope you share more works... Hugs

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Michael, what a pleasant surprise to see your comment on the blog. I'm so happy that you stopped by. How are you handsome??? Hope that all is well with you that you busy, busy, busy! I the blues you used in this wonderful piece. It's so filled with character and I very graphic in nature! I love it. I also like the previous post too! Great post. Your work is always over the top marvelous! Sending you my best today.

donny* said...

excellent! love the concept.

studio lolo said...

I like it too! I don't think I've seen this style from you. You're so versatile. Nice to see you btw!

Vhrsti said...

Perfect work, Michael! I really love this brilliant cartoon!

Art Fan Ako said...

I tried five times but couldn't see the pic. Darn. I'll try later again.

isay said...

this is really cool.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of a well done doodle in a school note book cause the subject was so boring.... must be your use of the blue ink pen. nice work, like all the stippling and cross hatching. hope all is well with you.
michael dailey

Michael G. O’Connell said...

Thank you for all the kind words. It is good to reconnect with many of you and great to see new names as well. Illustration Friday seems to bring the good people of the world together.

I used to have a notebook that looked something like this when I was in Art History classes in college only they looked like this, not because the subject was so boring, as Michael suggests… quite the opposite was true… I didn't want to miss a thing. And so my pages would get filled with notes and drawings and inspiration…

…SOOOOO… when the lecture series assignment came across my computer screen… the doodle-style seem most appropriate…

hope to see you all again real soon!

Denise Gallagher said...

this is excellent!

yoon see said...

Well come back, please post more often.
Are you busy.
Love this mute piece in blue:)
Truly magnify..He..he..

Robert McLaughlin said...

Hi Mike,

I can relate to the public speaking jitters. I've done a bit of that myself.

My immediate impression of your illustration was how today's political pundits magnify our fears when we listen to them.

Keep posting!