I sure do miss Illustration Friday. Thanks to all my friends who have checked in on me over my hiatus and wished me well. Every week I get my e-mail announcing the topic and I am determined to participate… and for a long while, every week I have been pulled in one direction or another. Much of it has been fun. I took my daughter to Universal Studios and road roller coasters. The whole family spent a week in San Diego – the zoo, Sea World, people watching at Comicon, and a week with my oh so fab cousin Annie and her new family. And then there's WORK. It has been a roller coaster ride this summer. I spent June working on website designs for Taleo. The fruits of my labor should be live soon. Freelance projects kept me jumping and then there's MOCA. With all the trips and contract work, I spent much of my time either catching up or making free time.
And I almost forgot… silly me… if you didn't see my earlier post… I dusted off my acting muscles for the 48 Hour Film Project and was part of an award-winning short film. We took home "Best Picture", among others… AND I was fortunate enough to be a part of a group show at MOCA Jacksonville… the work was old… but it did help to light a fire under my…
Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!! There it is. I got it out. And I also managed to get an illustration out. And some day I'm going to buy one of these little guys myself and do a little modifying. For now, check these cool designs out!
great work, this is fantastic! Really great one!
Hey, so good to hear from you and see you doing IF.
Life sounds good!
Mike, It´s good (very good) to know about you again and see your work.
Now you know I've missed you my friend right??? How the heck are you??? Hope that you at least had a chance to go to a beach or two and wiggle your toes in the sand. Okay , then I hope you had a chance to sit on the deck and sip frozen pink lemonade from a frosty glass and do some really cool illustration LOL! It has been on and popping around here for me. Nice guy you have here. I like the design. Hope to see more of your wonderful illustrations cause they make my day LOL!! They really, really, do. Have a great weekend.
and the Oscar goes to in a short film .....good to see you back. sounds like you truly have been having a great time this summer. michael dailey
Welcome back even if I missed a lot of illustration friday me too in this periond.
Great work and don't know why but he has a cute expression...Am I crazy?
How the heck are you Michael! Actually I just read your post and my oh my you have been up to greatness :) Clever illo, and I love the colours and textures too. Congrats on the film, fun and work!!!
this is great! nice to know what's goin' on...always'love to hear from you.
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