So… buried again! And the year started out so well! That'll teach me to brag! I had hoped to have more time this week and had started working on this illustration not long after the topic came up but I am STILL slammed at work. Someday Alice, POW, right in the kisser! Oh well, on to the illo!
Our world is a bit sick. He's looking a little pale, isn't he? I do believe most of our ills to be of the imaginary ilk. Not that there aren't way too many people suffering… au contraire! We have far too many real problems – lack of decent work, food and above all, adequate education. We invest far too little in our little people. No, the imaginary part comes because we have way too many reactionary idiots controlling the world's fiscal health. Who didn't think that oil prices were unjustly inflated? The Saudis told us that our own greed was driving up the prices. Or that food was way over priced before the CRASH. How stupid is it that when a wrongly spoken word by just the right person can send our entire economy skidding. And then, just because we took ourselves for a ride so do the Asians and Europeans. Or vice versa.
We live in a world of lemmings. People are dying to jump off the cliff with everyone else. So far, it looks like our new President may just be the doctor that we need and bring some change to our country, if not the whole world. Believe me, I do think Rodney King was a thug, but his words do ring true "Please, we can get along here. We all can get along." And all we need to do is use the brains that God gave us. We need to slow down a bit and try to not be so reactionary and afraid.