It is said that change is the transition that occurs from same to different. While that may be the rule, sometimes it is the other way around. I am getting ready to go into a focus group this morning. While I do enjoy the dialog and ideas that focus groups can offer, most of the time the outcome of the focus group encourages the dumbest that a group can offer.
Our society is influenced and manipulated by marketing and advertising agencies. Pollsters and lobbyists control our political parties. And the almighty dollar has become the Almighty.
But that doesn’t mean that everyone is a victim of the dumbing down of the world. There are mavericks who do what they feel is right and have the courage to stick by their ideas. I applaud them and encourage you all to refuse to change to fit in.
It's getting harder and harder to be a maverick or any kind of "outlaw" in this society, especially when everyone is a part of the "grid." Wonderful chameleon! They're so much fun to draw, aren't they? I must admit your chameleon kicks my chameleon's butt (IF for "Capture). Incredible scaly texture. Woo hoo!
WOW Micheal this is amazingly beautiful, I just love the textures you always achieve...chameleons just blow me away, and yours did just that! Bravo!
your ability in mastering textures is simply amazing...!
amazing illustration, Michael!
the changing chameleon only changes on surface - but remains the same - more or less your idea in th text
and the dollar now is in a second place after the euro...
anyways, great art and concept!
when I did this illustration originally, I called this "Broken" because the chameleon blends in with the background or it's surrounding and this poor fella just can't do it.
But "Broken" just never sat well with me and this week's IF theme caused me to rethink the name and the idea behind it. And I like Amy's word maverick so much better. So that will mbe the new name of this piece.
oooooh a meelion! how lovely!
this is AWESOME in every way! Every bit of it!!!
Lovely work her Micheal!
well done, maverick!
Great piece. The chameleon is invisible because he doesn't move. In the fast pace of daily life, his stillness falls into the background.
superbly done
love the way they get their little knees right up like that.. just adorable! beautiful watercolour and great detail
Your words hit me more than the sketch!! So very true!!! I do like the art also. Really, it's just that your words got to me. Okay, so I am rambling here...........
very cool chameleon!
Wow Mike, nice work. Is your museum hanging any of your art?
My views on popular culture are SO divergent from those around me that, sad to say, I'm often quiet for the sake of harmony.
This is wicked AWESOME!! GREAT illo!
Your chameleon is so beautifully rendered, Michael...the colors and textures make me think of a mosaic. I agree with your words, and i feel sad that it is so hard to be a real individual in this pop culture driven society. I remember a time when there really was such a thing as being "hip" and "edgy" (if that's what people think is important) because there wasn't the instantaeous communication of "what's hot and what's not" that we have least those folks who were avant garde or on the cutting edge of ideas got to enjoy and explore their fresh ideas for a while before they became fodder for marketing and advertising.
Thanks for the encouragement Michael--you're very right there and I witness it all the time in our education system unfortunately. Anyhow, you did a fine job ere with your chameleon and relating it to your very thoughtful words. This one must've taken you quite some time I'll bet!
HERE HERE!!! Boy have you hit the philosophy at this house on the head. Our society has stopped thinking for itself, a lazy way to live. We let ourselves believe we are doing the thinking but we really are not.
That is a wonderful chameleon. Many details, bright colors and I love the "smiley" face. Great job!
What a spectacular image! So well done.
Great chameleon. feels really 3-d to me. I thought it might have been a sculputure of some kind for a second. Thought the Background gave it away for me.
Its a really great picture keep it up.
well said, Interesting...and great illo,the perfect metaphor... love the rendering of the skin
Beautiful! I love the detail and colors AND the idea behind it.
Hi Michael!
Beautiful chameleon. A very special animal - but as a human being, I don't think it's a good idea to learn by a chameleon.
I think you're right, we can say stop to something in our lives, once in a while we shall feel, if we ought to stop this or that - it's just, to take the time to do it :-)
greetings - georg
Wow, I love this image. What a wonderful painting/illustration. I'm so into all that texture that's happing here. Simply lovely
beautifully, beautifully done. the textures are amazing! i really like the colours you chose for him, as well.
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