Why is it that we are always in such a hurry to grow up? As a child, I saw everything with much clearer vision. The world was a much happier place. I didn't care what was happening half way around the world much less who killed who across town.

I look at my childdren and they are worried about those things. My younger daughter worries about the things in the world constantly as well as the homeless people in the park at the end of our street… and not the good kind of worry. Our children have been forced to grow up quicker. The onslaught of marketing starts at birth and nothing they do in their lives isn't watched and recorded. They want to be taller, prettier or the best. Nothing is that bad about these things but when you add them all together… you realize… that childhood is a thing of the past and the world is out there waiting to eat you up if you give it the chance… where are the simpler things in life?
Great illo...very cute!
Nice illustration and write up.
I have a 4 year old son, and the last thing that I want him to do is grow up faster.
However, every day, he tries to show me how much bigger/taller/longer he is. He really wants to be bigger.
I keep telling myself that it is slower outside of the big city, but I don't really believe it myself.
very true,it's definitely pretty hard to slow down our busy life style...and kids are so sensible...cute and lovely illustrations!
yeah, i'm not fond of being grown-ups too :-) lovely illo, i like the running dog.
Love the illo! And the puppy is really adorable :)
I think the city does that to us. People tend to be rushing all the time - kids and adults alike... I guess that's why we feel like we're growing old so much faster coz we don't get to take a break to smell the flowers...... Maybe I should listen to my own advise :D
You are a wonderful illustrator. Your characters are wonderful and it may be late, but congratulations on your new job.
I have children grown and married, no grandkids. It seems like today children want to grow up faster than they should and the media markets to them. Unfortunately it has been going on for a very long time. I can remember when my children had to have the "designer" clothers and those special "gym shoes" and when can I wear makeup. They couldn't wait for their drivers license and was that beer on their breaths? I think its a natural way of life, they are really imitating their parents. We hold the key to their lives as well as our own. Hold on to them tight, they are young for a little while and old forever.
Sorry for the "sermon", really like your illo.
that dog turned out to be a fiesty lil one. cute illo and good comment
Ohhhh he's sucha a cutie! Loved the little doggie.
loved your illo and your post! i don't have the answer, but i agree :)
your illos are wonderful and what you write about makes me sad. Childhood was everything to me and at all possible times I try to keep in a chillike state of mind, I don't like to think of kids not being kids. I bet you are pretty good at being a kid! It shows through your art and blog!
I think our children are worrying more because their teachers, in the name of social responsibility, are teaching them to worry.
Also watching too much TV can be a big problem.
Maybe the Amish have something going up there in Ohio, huh?
I think perhaps our happiness and inward peace must be a choice we make; and sometimes that choice will be so contrary to popular culture that we might be viewed as somewhat strange.
If I REALLY had all the answers (and a marketing guru on the team) I'd be quite wealthy by now. But I'm just a graphic artist working at a mid-sized paper in Oceanside, California. So, anyone listening in, just take it for what it's worth.
Hmmm, do I have you on my sidebar yet? I'm going to check right now and make sure.
Great illos! I love the expression on the pup's face in the 2nd one - it's sure pleased with itself! :)
As for what you have written here, I must sadly agree.
well said! wonderful illo, the cute doggie looks very carefree
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