so… i made it back… just barely…
this is part of a job for a friend… he owns a great comic book and toy shop called gotham city limits… yes, i'm a bit of geek, but i'm not quite a mouthbreather…
the logo should count for the skyline… it is one of three logos that i have designed with skylines in them… the FridayFest logo is the other of the award winning logos… the remaining one is actually for Skyline Realty and the client dictated the look to me and every time i see it, my skin crawls… ah well… who said the client is always right…
ok all in favor of the logo counting as a skyline say i. ok the i's have it ur back. nice logo but not sure i wanna go to ur friends shop if it going to puch me thru the pavement everytime lol cause its sooo good.
nice logo...and the Gotblog of your friend to... Black and white is strong!! great work Michael...
You made it back with a wallop, wow, strong piece of work very cool logo. I was thinking of visiting New York-I may put that off for a while. Beautiful work!
LOL Gotham city limits! That's a great name. Though we have many here in NYC, the only comic book store worthwhile is Midtown Comics on 40th & Broadway. BTW, I your blog banner pic is pretty damn tootin'.
That's a great logo! I love the sharpness of the black & white, and it's cool how the city seems to radiate outwards. This certainly works for the topic, and it works well!
Great logo! It really looks good on the webpage too! Awesome!! (btw...I LOVE designing logos)...
excellent illo...I like the chap diving concept, getting far and away from the city all of the sudden...
Hilarious! This would make a great t-shirt graphic for their store promotion. Make sure the men's shirts aren't too long, now!
Hi Michael,
You've got a great comic book-style of illustration here! I just got back from Comiccon 2006 in San Diego--so I've got comics on the mind.
I know exactly what you mean about your "skin crawling". I have a few clients (in Real Estate advertising) that think they are art directors also. My reaction is closer to nausea--until I remember who is paying the bills.
Very impressive logo, I like :)
héhoooooooooo !!! where are you???
Too much work?
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