"Why are senseless slayings so assaulting to the senses?"
As soon as I heard this week's topic, I thought of the concrete jungle. But, "concrete" just doesn't say enough. It has become an urban jungle where only the strongest survive. In business and life on the streets it is the same. It seems man cannot tolerate the earthly jungle of trees and animals…not as a species. We seem to have to dig and destroy and build our own temples to and for ourselves. I would almost say that we are like ants. We build our communities and they spill over into the surrounding landscape. We wage war against the neighboring communities, making raids and stealing food. But that would not be fair to ants.
The illo does have a very urban feel, but it's very beautiful!
The delicate vines provide a sharp contrast to the telegram and the words, and then they seem sinister. The layers of images beneath add to that feeling...it's subt;e but extremely compelling.
Great illustration and narrative. It sure would be an insult to the ants to have us compared to them!
beautiful in a dark sort of a way. sort of like the urban landscape itself i guess.
has a dark cold sinister feel to it. like the multi layers u used to build it up.
Beautiful vines. I love how the white plays off the darkness in the background! Brandi
Beautiful and sad... The tlegram brings sad news of senseless death and it is presented with such beauty through your illo! Very well done!!!
yes very nice. though sad.
I was struck by the grafitti of it all; that people in the urban jungle will leave their messages where they want to others to see it; mostly as a warning. (Though it confuses me - if one can't read the graffiti how does one know to stay out?) I read awhile back in the news that 'researchers' or 'scientist guys' or 'archiologists'... (someone)... felt that cave drawings were perhaps left there not as 'history' but from caveteens wanting to communicate with each other.... though if they were teens; the worse they were saying is 'your buffalo is dead'. ;-/
hah! the last line about being fair to the ants is excellent!
michael, this illustration is haunting in its own way. my eyes are drawn to the telegram, unable to read it but anticipating bad news, and yet the background and colors feel sacred.
i look forward to seeing more and more of your takes on life. much appreciated.
I really like the vines in your illo and, off course the concept...I agree w/ your narrative on concrete jungles...that's why I went to the tropics...thanks for your comment
Now this is an original take and meaninful image. Well done.
Mysterious and foreboding, your illustration. It definitely conveys that feeling of being lost deep in the scariest part of the jungle. I like seeing collage from you ~ shows your range. Nicely done!!
beautiful contrast between dark and white...sad feeling...love it again...
Thanks for your explanation in my blog...and oops for my mistake....my english is so bad...
I'll be better after my "around the world" ...I hope so!!!! LOL
You're a magical creature Michael O'Connell...
This is beautiful!! Love the design!
Love the image and your words. Especially you being kind to ants. :-)
Wow, this design is awesome. Beautiful!
I LOVE the vines, how did you make them?
This is fantastic--you've stepped up your game here too. I also firsty thought of concrete jungle but seemed to have a better time (and easier time) with the more typical notion of the theme. The accompanying words and quote make a terrific compliment and makes one think. Great job!
Thanks for answering my question about the vines :-) I really love how they turned out, they look amazing against the dark backround. I loved all the swirlies, it gives it such a natural and funky look. Very cool...
You're right. No matter how "evolved" we think we are.
I think ants have more sense sometimes. I don't even know what or why we build anymore! As a worker-ant, I build because it pays the bills. I keep my job when new people come into an old anthill, want everything torn down inside and rebuilt again!
Wow, such depth in the design, the colors and your words. It's a beautiful piece and very intriging.
The beautiful vines you've made remind me of a wrought iron gate, sinister and foreboding despite their beauty. The design and mood are enthralling-I want to keep looking despite the depressing truth of your fine piece of work. Beautiful and unique piece!
Wonderful graphic illustration. From the colors to the composition, it evokes emotion. Keenly executed.
Everything you said here is all so true.
It's sad that so many of man's creations destroy the natural beauty of this world.
I really like the whole quality of this with the type and the vines and the darkness surrounding it all.
Aha a fairness for ants campaigner!
Oh and I agree about the serious side of your message too - and love the darkness of your image.
Very powerful and haunting! The message is stark,sad and permanent.
I really like this. well done. Cheers!
Awesome!...and very thought-provoking dialogue. VERY telling piece!
CONGRATULATIONS on your new job!
It sounds fabulous for you.
I have a friend from Florida, initials DS,who does folk art. Maybe you'll come across his work.
Just heavenly those blues! Love the WU note ~ perfect. ; )
This is something I would want to hang in my house ~ lovely to see each day.
The Tart
; )
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