“My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished 2 bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.”
– Dave Barry
The Cupcake
When I was eight or nine years old, my parents loaded up our '66 T-Bird and headed out for what was to be one of the most amazing trips I would ever take. Some day, I need to sit down with my mother and my sister and write it all down before all of it is lost forever.
To make a very long story short, we took a three week trip across country. The year was 1968 or 69. We left Florida in June and headed west with stops in assorted campgrounds along the way. No, we didn't rough it, we were pulling a 13 foot Shasta camper and we had our faithful dog Peanuts to keep us company and entertain us. We made all the great spots along I-10 and just over 30 years later I find out my wife made almost the identical trip the same year. We were only a few weeks apart as we visited such places as the El Paso with a lttle juant into Mexico. At the time it cost 2¢ to leave the US but 3¢ to return from Mexico. We also visited the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Carlsbad Caverns, Disney Land and the Hoover Dam to name just a few of the spots.
Now, we didn't make the exact same trip. We stopped in Cheyenne, Wyoming to visit my mother's oldest brother and his family. It was the first time I can remember meeting them although I know I met my Uncle Ray and Aunt Jean years before at a family reunion. The "Cupcake Story" actually comes a fews years later when I next saw my cousins. My Uncle Ray had two daughters, Janet and Cindy. Janet is the older sister and had a prothestic leg from the knee down. And for her sixteenth birthday, her younger sister Cindy, decided to play a practical joke on her. She made her an chocolate cupcake laced with Exlax so all night long she heard her sister hopping down the hall to the bathroom. Now it sounds a bit cruel, but siblings will do such things to one another. So that is my cup cake story.
On a side note. My cousin Janet's first husband died in a freak accident not long after the birth of their third child. And just like most young couples, they weren't prepaed for such a loss. The taxes from the estate were mounting and Janet just couldn't keep up. But the IRS can be harsh and demanding, so she turn to her congressman, Dick Cheney for help. He worked with her on her case but before everything was cleared up, in frustration, she removed her leg and wrote her "check" out for the amount owed and sent it to Uncle Sam. Both she and the future VP got a lot of press out of it and Janet actually recieved the "cancelled check" and wore it proudly for many years afterward.
I'm off for vacation now. I won't be back until next week. Be procductive and have fun.
Beautiful illo..and story...
Have a nice week!!!
What an awesome illo...and, a touching story!! Thanks for sharing both! I hope you are having a great vacation!!
First off the illustration is so much fun to look at, wow what a unique style, love that birthday hat.
I don't know what it is about your writing style, but I wished there had been more. Funny and interesting, and your cousin Janet rocks.
fab picture and great story!
Awwww. I love this. :-) And the quote from Dave Barry of course.
Hi Michael, Thank You for your kind comments! I love your pcture! I love when you use these colours and style, soooo wonderful! Your story is charming and sweet and I hope you have a happy holiday!
you have a very creative blog!
I didn't know about Dave Barry, it's so funny!!
Fun style! And thanks for sharing the story :)
like the textureeffect u got on the background and talbe and great facical expression. enjoy ur down time
What a funny, detailed illustration. You work so well with colored pencils. Thanks so much for your comments on Trowbridge. I sure wish I didn't have so many projects going, but I DO plan on bringing Mrs. T back as soon and as often as possible.
Fascinating story Michael, and the drawing here is remarkable!!!
I love this picture, so cute expression on his face! - And the fingers!!! Awesome!
What a great storu (well, stories, really)! The drawing is pretty wild...it makes me think of myself when I get the urge to eat all kinds of bad things...I don't think I am quite myself. Great job as always...you have a wonderful touch with those colored pencils (that's what it looks like anyway) Great colors! Have a splendid vacation:>
a wonderful wonderful wonderful illustration. (three wonderfuls) Hope you had a relaxing vacation.
holy cow - this is great. i love the style and especially the colors you used.
Good story and cool illo!! can't get better than that!!
great story and really really beautiful illustration.
i hope to be back regularly soon. thank you for your support and kind words.
all the best,
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