Friday, March 31, 2006

Illustration Friday - Spring

When the weather warms up, people head to the beach… even the elves! At least I think he's an elf.

The original English word for the season Spring was 'lent' and this was replaced by Spring only in the 16th century, based on the notion of something beginning or rising, like water 'springs' from the ground.

The Spanish word primavera literally means 'Spring' and first referred to a tree native to Mexico and Central America, so called for its early flowering. The word ultimately derives from Latin primus 'first' and ver 'Spring'. The Italian culinary term primavera is short for alla primavera 'in the style of springtime', which denotes anything served with a mix of fresh Spring vegetables, such as asparagus, broccoli, carrots, peas, peppers, or zucchini.


° said...

nice dwg! i feel the same way when spring gets here just cant wait to get out

Anonymous said...

I love your whimsical image. Reading your post makes me hungry for those spring greens - watch out little guy!

Anonymous said...

nice! i love details - especially these leaves falling behind. great job!

Willie Baronet said...

The green man! Love his spirit.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

very nicely done!!!

Amy Zaleski said...

This little guy definitely feels like spring to me! Great drawing!

Lori Witzel said...

Surf's up, O Chlorophyll Dudes! Great energy! And thanks for the etymology, always love that.

Lou said...

This is so cool. An elf going surfing. And thanks for the short history of the word Spring. Learned some interesting things from it.

Suzan said...

Great illo. I love the colors. your depiction of an elf is wonderful.

HARDWAX said...

This really is a super cool, crazy looking surfer dude you have here. I love him-spring has literally sprung in this guy, how did you come up with this idea? Really very cool work!!!

Also your narrative is chock full of info-enjoyed.

isay said...

i can feel his spirit! so cool drawing! and nice of you for sharing the information about spring!

by the way, i can click your site now from the profile-thanks!

valerie walsh said...

so you are not just a pretty face you are smart and talented too!!!

Tricky Trev said...

This guy's awesome. He looks like a salad I had today at Cheeseburger In Paradise.

Great illo.

stp-illustrations said...

Well done! I like it very much!

carla said...

Awesome elfin surfer dude! He's fresh with spring in his fleet feet! You've got a super sense of motion - I love the foliage head with the flying leaves! This is so creative and so well executed. Thanks also for the bits on spring, language , and food...I'm a bit hungry right now:>

Unknown said...

That's an awesome Spring illo!! Seems like Spring can't wait till Summer to surf!! :)

TXArtcGal said...

Awesome drawing...and, neat post!! I love learning something new each day! :) LOVE the details...and, the concept! FANTASTIC!

Michael O'Connell said...

thank you all for the kind words and thoughtful insight on what i did for this week's IF topic… i did take/make the time to do something new this week… that is the reason i started participating in IF, after all… as an artist, the praise is nice and welcome but i am always open to suggestions and criticisms… i probably won't have time to put them into a new illo but i will learn… so thank you in advance… peace…

Anonymous said...

I like it! very nice:)

wildharmonic said...

this is soo cool. A Jack in the Green goes Maui style!

Aravis said...

Thanks for sharing that bit of history! This is great. It made me smile instantly! :0)

trowbridge chronicles said...

I like your style and your color sense. Very creative approach to the spring concept.

Andrea said...

I really enjoy his leaf hair. Interesting about the etymology of spring.

wholegrain said...

I really like this man. All natural.

franhilz said...

Hey, this a GREAT illo!
I never saw an elf on the beach
what type of sun filter they use? - chlorophil!

an original idea that you made in a nice funny style

very good, I liked it!

Roz Foster said...

Ha! How did I miss this? Love your green surfer! His expression makes me think he is either truly desperate for the waves... or he is running for his life from a shark? ... Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hey dude we haven't seen you in a million years, hope all is well, and hope to see you in illustration friday again soon!

TheTart said...

I wanna go with him!!! I will bring my pink glitter board, natch!

Surfs up smooch,
The Tart
; )