Thursday, July 13, 2006

Illustration Friday – Skyline

so… i made it back… just barely…

this is part of a job for a friend… he owns a great comic book and toy shop called gotham city limits… yes, i'm a bit of geek, but i'm not quite a mouthbreather…

the logo should count for the skyline… it is one of three logos that i have designed with skylines in them… the FridayFest logo is the other of the award winning logos… the remaining one is actually for Skyline Realty and the client dictated the look to me and every time i see it, my skin crawls… ah well… who said the client is always right…

Sunday, July 09, 2006


my girls never ceas to amaze me… i am the only male in my household and so i have gotten used to being in tough with the feminine quite a bit but my wife and daughters are all so different… i can see little bits of my pesonality… interests… in both of my girls… as well as my wife's and i guess that is only natural but as i said earlier… they never cease to amaze me… for instance my oldest always comes up with the most amazing and off-the-wall/out-of-the-blue questions (and an answer to this would be welcome… speculation is great too) she just came in and asked me why men's t-shirts are so long? any ideas? anyone?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Still Here… But Mostly, Still There

Moved in. There is just so much work. The museum is relly diggin having an artist on staff and taking full advantage of irt. Deadlines are killing me. BUT… I'm still loving it… as they say in the Mickey D commercials.

The new job is great. The rest of the new crew will be in by the end of the week. Then, the work will really begin.

So, anyway, apologies for being quiet. More to come as I settle in.